Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Videos for Grandma and Nana (this should be a series)

Ella's school had a "garden party" where they unveiled the garden all the first grade classes planted. They also released 4000 aphid eating ladybugs. - It was very cute watching a bunch of first graders pluck ladybugs off of themselves.
Sometimes I am so impressed with all the progress Maiya made with speech therapy. Its hard to remember that there was a time when I worried all the time that she would never talk. Now she doesn't stop talking.  But this video shows me that she still has a few issues. But I mean who cares -- how cute is she! To translate the video she is saying she is "free" = three and "us bought a movie called adventures of duckie" and "thanks for watching us interview"

Ella spent the day organizing the play kitchen. Cora spent the evening unorganizing it.

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