Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Twenty Questions

The sofa was still in the kitchen tonight - We didn't get a chance to move it back yesterday. By the way my carpets look AWESOME. Having your carpets professionally cleaned maybe frugal blasphemy but it was so worth it to me.

Anyway, after dinner we continued to lounge -and we sat and played twenty questions for the longest time.

Kyle and I laughed our heads off. The kids are not so good at asking broad questions in order to narrow it down.

Category: Thing
Ella's first question "Is it a beard?"

Category: Person
Ella's first question "Is it Eleanor Roosevelt?"

Category: Animal
We have narrowed down that it lives in caves, eats insects, flies, and uses echo-location
when Benjamin blurts out "I know, I know-- its a spider".  

In case you were wondering, it was superman

the battery died in my camera


Amber Hooten said...

I love the responses! Too cute!

Tony said...

I'm sorry that I wasn't there to provide my "superior brainpower"... but it was nice to be thought of. :)