Topics of my heart.

I am...
I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.
I am a Natural Childbirth Educator through Birth Boot Camp.
I am a photographer.
I am fat. That is okay.
I am an agnostic Mormon going through a faith transition but still actively attending.
I am an agnostic atheist (YES both.)
I am a skeptic.
I am an intactivist.
I am frugal.
I am finding my place.
these things mean a lot to me:

I practice attachment parenting (co-sleeping, extended breastfeeding, babywearing) and Free-range parenting. - Opposites in a way. Basically I honor my children's need for dependence and independence. I'm here when they need me - I don't hover when they don't.

Health at Every Size.
Bodies come in different sizes. Understand it. Accept it. Support it.

Diets fail and weight loss surgery is dangerous.

I believe in being healthy and loving the body you are so lucky to possess.

"Most people try to change their bodies to fit their minds' perception of what their bodies should look like, i.e. starving themselves to lose weight. Moving toward a healthy body image requires just the opposite: changing your mind to appreciate your body" - Linda Bacon

Respect yourself, your body, and your soul.

not anymore :)
Its complicated. I write about that here.

I think there is joy in frugality. I keep a price book and I don't want to pay more for anything than I have to. I reap many blessings because of this passion. I get to be a stay at home mom to my six children. And we are chipping away at our debt. One day we'll be debt free. 
Frugality is not the crazy coupon ladies on the reality TV shows. Frugality is finding balance with your resources. I guard my time as well as my money. I choose what frugal adventures I'll follow. So while I make my own baby wipes and laundry detergent. I don't coupon like mad and I didn't survive cloth diapers.

Whole foods.

I don't believe in dieting but I believe in real food. I square foot garden.

Natural Childbirth.
I had four standard hospital births - standard in the fact that I was treated like a number in a McDonald’s like health system. I had forceps delivery, inductions, episiotomies, straps that didn't fit my body, my babies cords cut too soon and taken away from me for hours and c-sections threatened.

Then I saw the Business of Being Born. And had my 5th baby at home in the water. It was the most empowering experience of my life! I have become very passionate about the benefits of natural childbirth.

Genital Autonomy
This is a personal story to us, and I have grown very opinionated about the matter. I am NOT opposed to circumcision. I am opposed to circumcising babies. You want to get circumcised? Good for you - go for it! You think your baby wants it? Why don't you wait and see?

"Unnecessary genital surgery on babies is said to be cheaper and easier than on adults. All abuse of babies is easier. They are powerless and history will judge us by how we protect the powerless. I say let the children decide for themselves - all in good time." - Paul Mason

But its easier to do when they are babies... how the heck would you know?, just because they can't tell you how bad it hurts doesn't mean it doesn't. And new mom's don't think the initial healing is all you'll have to deal with. You may be that lucky, but we weren't.

And don't worry about your son being 'different'. Intact males are no longer the minority. Circumcision rates droppped to less than 33% in 2009.

Did you know babies die from circumcision? - possibly at the same rates as SIDS - bet you know not to put your baby to bed on their stomach, How bout - don't cut your baby either.

"Many people do not realize that an estimated 200 American boys die every year from this unnecessary surgery. Many men are left with curved, scarred penises. 10% of cut boys will need further surgery due to closing of the urine opening. The more one educates his/herself about male genital mutilation, the worse it gets." 
— Gloria Lemay

I feel if you defend infant male circumcision you need to use all your same sentiments and stand behind female circumcision.