Thursday, August 12, 2010

why I haven't been blogging

I love google calendar - its where this to-do list resides.

To-do list:
put away clothes boxes DONE
clean master bathroom DONE
clean computer desk 1/2 Done
file!!! DONE
organize game closet DONE
register kids DONE
get organized for RS meeting DONE
schedule VT DONE
clean under and around washer and dryer
birth supplies DONE
Clean and organize Pantry
Organize jewelry
dust dressers
food handout DONE
curtains in kitchen
dust all blinds
Wash and put away baby clothes
new filter in fridge

deal with ins about birth!!
place of service - home
physician fees - 80% in network, 60% out of network
1000 per person deductible in network
2000 deductible out of network

to buy:
epsom salt
lunch meat
*gift card
B + E school shoes

see? I haven't fallen off the face of the earth... I'm here with 4 kiddos in the heat of summer and in the middle of baby preparations.
We get a few things done, swim A LOT, laze around some more. I am not taking near enough pictures...
but I'll get back into the swing of things. Little over a week till school starts. Can't believe Maiya will be starting kindergarten. I won't be participating in the boo-hoo breakfast. I don't do those things. It makes my head hurt because I'll roll my eyes so much at these overbearing Texas moms.
I will make First day of school cookies, because that is what I do. And for first day of school cookies I'll make whatever they want, and if that means three different kinds of cookies than so be it. I get teary eyed thinking that one day I'll ship 'first day of school' cookies to some college or mission...

Haven't I mentioned lately that I am very happy?
Long to-do lists, cooking, cleaning, heat and pregnancy, fighting kids, sticky toddler, a five year old hoarder, messy house no matter what, waiting for my man to get home, tight budget, etc, etc.... Its all exactly what I want to be doing right now, and I love it.


Sarah said...

I must say that I have been amazed at your nesting capabilites-- the ladies worth nothing the first 3 to 4 months-- but she totally makes up for it the last trimester :D you are an organizing cleaning machine!!!

Nana to Oz said...

I envy you! Had I been that happy at your age my whole life would have been different! But you know what -- I like it pretty much the way it is. I especially like having a pregnant DIL who doesn't mind a messy house, a sticky toddler, a 5 y/o hoarder, kids who fight, and loves the man I'm proud to call Son!! Love you all!!!

Ryann said...

You are amazing! Wish I could be there to help in your craziness. I'm secretly hoping that Terry gets orders that makes it possible for us to come visit you:)

Amanda said...

love the cookie Idea;) I think I might have to start that!