Sunday, September 28, 2008

Makes me...

Makes me smile:
Nana sent this - very cool eh?

Love, that blessed arrangement...

Makes me laugh:
Benjamin bringing me a cup and saying "close your eyes and drink this"
I don't think so!

Zeke trying on his Halloween costume
Makes me sweat:

We are ripping down more wallpaper - doesn't every home improvement project for us start with that statement?
Makes me want to throw up:
Ella lost a front tooth!


Kleanteeth said...

Wallpaper is a devil creation for sure. Was just thinking of Zeke the other day and thought he needed a blog. That picture of you and Kyle is really good, you look all sexied up. That letter from your Mom was so sweet. I wish I would have had a sister to grow up with, you were lucky.

Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

keep that pic of ella on the living room wall FOREVER!