Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So here is the story

I was waiting for my amazing sister to finish the slideshow with all the great pictures Sarah got at the hospital, but college and work come first - and nursing round the clock doesn't leave me much time for making that slideshow either. So here goes - Cora's birth story.
I left you guys with the info that I would be having my membranes stripped Friday morning. Well Thursday nature kind of started on its own when I began to lose the mucus plug (yes this will be chock full of too much information - so turn back now if you so desire!). I was thrilled. I didn't lose my mucus plug with Ella until I was at the hospital in strong labor, so I thought the show was beginning to start!!! Well it didn't so I arrived at the doctor's visit frustrated but optimistic. I had my membranes stripped - and yes that did hurt, then headed straight to Target for a two hour fast walking shopping trip. Got home went upstairs with my husband, wink, wink. and then ate a SPICY lunch. I really was pulling out all the stops. That afternoon I even got on the trampoline, jumped for a while then thought no sense hurting the baby and I stopped. I thought I had truly entered crazy land. So I said a prayer, decided to let it go and enjoy the rest of the night. We made plans to go out to eat for Chinese - but strangely I wasn't hungry (should have taken that as a sign). So Kyle and I retreated upstairs again - even bigger wink, wink! This is the part I will spare details, the few that there are, but I began to feel something strange and had a few stronger contractions. Kyle declared we were going to the hospital! I wanted to stay home a while longer, but I conceded to him, thinking they would just send us back home anyway.
Well they didn't. That "strange" feeling was the baby's head. And I was starting to contract. This is where its confusing though. Even though her head was against my cervix, she was still "floating" the nurse could even push her back up as she painfully demonstrated to me. Oh and I was 5 cm dilated. So they wanted me to stay. And stay I did - ALL NIGHT. I was contracting, it was painful, but not a good pattern. I asked to have my water broken several times, but the nursed talked me into waiting and trying really stupid things like walking and laying on different sides - that killed my back!! I was so miserable. I HATED being tethered to all that stupid crap - I think it was around three that I hadn't changed at all, but was in considerable pain, that I broke down and got the epidural. I informed the anesthesiologist that all three previous epidurals failed me at the crucial time. She assured me hers would be the best by far. Well all I know is it hurt the worst going in. I swear she went totally Hannibal Lecter on my back - That hurt so bad. And guess what - it stopped working about an hour and a half before she was born. NICE!!!
So there we were heading to morning - I had been there all night, hadn't seen my doctor yet, they have had me on pitocin since the epidural, and the nurse checks me to inform me I am still 5 cms, and that not only had the baby not moved down further, she had moved up some! This nurse was a jerk too - I say through tears - I am not going to dilate without my water being broken, to which she responds, no probably not, but they won't break your water with the baby high up. My crying picks up and I say I am going to end up with a c-section. And she very lovingly says as she walks out the door "yeah probably" -- I proceeded to officially LOSE IT - I couldn't calm myself down. Sarah's husband Dylan came and he and Kyle gave me a wonderful blessing. My doctor and another doctor from the practice showed up, and decided to just slightly break my water and give the baby a chance to come down. So with a nurse shoving on the top of my belly they broke my water.
I proceeded rapidly to intense, extremely painful labor with a no show on the epidural. I asked for the anesthesiologist to come back - and this "dude" last name of "Zipper" - no joke showed up and pumped me full of more medicine. It didn't work - I cussed him out. I screamed for him to come back and he offered the last thing I wanted to hear "We can re-do the epidural" - I was willing to try anything to stop the pain. Kyle, Sarah, and Meg talked me out of it. Thank goodness because it was not long before she was born.
The nurse checked me and I was at 8cm. Before she got to the door I said I felt pressure - this is where it gets fuzzy to me, Since I had just been checked the nurse and the doctor were hesitant that I was really ready to push. So I just pushed anyway. I was on my side when the doctor realized I was crowning. I so desperately wanted to push her out on my side. That was what brought on the F words. Everyone making me get in the stirrups and on my back and scooted down and all that crap was so annoying! But it was over very shortly and my beautiful baby had arrived. She had swallowed a lot of fluid so she ended up on the warmer before my arms. Then there was trouble delivering the placenta (the cord broke away first) so they gave me a "little something" to help me relax. By time I got to hold her I was about three galaxies away.
I can honestly say that other than the frustration of not progressing all night - this is the BEST delivery I have ever had. Leaving "intact" as they called it, made all the difference in the world. I have been home since Sunday and other than killer after pains and now engorgement. I have felt really, really good. I also have to say that it was hard this time being so far from family and not having either Grandmother at the birth. But it was wonderful to have Meg and Sarah cheering me on. And Kyle - I have to publicly say, did and said all the right things. He made me feel loved, appreciated and even pretty at all the right times. I love him so much.
And thanks guys for all the wonderful comments - they have all made me smile.


Beth said...

Wow - sounds like you had a one of a kind nurse! Glad everything worked out towards the end and that you have your beautiful baby girl now! By the way, I am totally jealous that you were able to go home "intact"! I guess I have to wait a few more kids before that will happen for me! Enjoy your precious newborn!

Amanda said...

I love birth stories:) Thanks for sharing!!!!! You were a trooper!

My name is Andrea said...

i'm still mad that you had her before i got home....

congrats anyway...

My name is Andrea said...

i'm still mad that you had her before i got home....

congrats anyway...

Gary Church said...

My epidural worked for 20 minutes ... and my anesthesiologist's name was Larry ... he wore a tie dyed do-rag. No lie. I wanted to kill him. Your story is the reason why I'm having a cesarean with this one (since Ryan's DID end in cesarean). I don't want to chance that the epidural would actually work and that I could actually push her out this time around.