Thursday, July 31, 2008

First Bath

Don't you wish a montage of you taking a bath was this cute?


Bethanne said...

She is soooo cute.

Oh, and I hate thrush. Leah (and I technically) had it for a while when she was little and it was awful. Especially because we couldn't get her to take her medicine (you would not believe how much and how fast she could spit medicine out!).

Kleanteeth said...

Yes I do. The thing is that I have just as many rolly polly's as Cora, yet for some reason mine just aren't as cute.

Abby said...

How dare you, I'm adorable when I take a bath!

I can't believe how calm she is about it. Peanut is 9 months old and still FREAKS out in the bath. She looks so comfy. And sweet. :)

Amanda said...

YOur pictures are so dang good! And Cora is adorable!

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

I also wish the dimples on my back side were as cute as my baby's always were. But hey, that's never going to happen. Cute pics, bath time photo's are always a favorite for me.

Janie said...

I bet you are adorable in the bath Abby! And Cora takes after her momma - She LOVES bathtime!
And yes Bethanne, Thrush is awful, i thought I was having a lot of pain from lasting engorgement, but it turns out shooting, burning pain is a result of thrush in my milk ducts - RRRRRRRRRRR