Thursday, July 10, 2008

Countdown to Cora!

Went to the doctor yesterday. Only because I was very rude to an unsuspecting secretary! My doctors office called me at 12:30 yesterday to tell me that my doctor had to cancel the rest of her appts. for the day. Now keep in mind I have not been able to see my doctor in well over a month and have not been able to discuss the ultrasound with her. And the other doctors who I have been seeing will not give me any solid answers because they would prefer I speak with my doctor. So when the secretary gave me the news - let's just say I lost my temper! Lo and behold she called back thirty minutes later, saying that she felt I was upset (ya think?) and she had paged my doctor. My doctor did agree she really wanted to see me - so she would come back up to the office just to see me. How nice...
so here is the deal:
I am 3 cm dilated. The doctor doesn't want the pregnancy to go past next week - due to a couple of factors but mostly the baby's size. I expressed my wishes to go naturally so I go back on friday to have my membranes stripped and pray action starts this weekend! The hospital will call today with the induction date for next week.
Can I just say that I have a case of the nerves as my Me-maw would have said. This is so odd to me - you'd think it would all be old hat the fourth time around, but no... These are the thoughts running through my head a million miles a minute in a tilt-a-world fashion:
-still haven't finished packing for the hospital
-is this the right decision?
-what if I refused the induction and go past my due date and still need the induction anyway?
-what if I refuse and end up with a c-section because the baby is so big?
-what if I go for the induction and don't progress because my body is not ready and end up with a c-section?
-Why the hell won't my body just do this thing on its own already!!!!!!!!!!
-Where is the nesting syndrome - my house is a mess
-Ugh I have to do laundry
-I want my mommy (she will be here in two weeks - YEAH!)
-Why does Meg have the hardest class of her life the week I need her the most!
and just for fun sprinkle on a little --
-I feel so fat and ugly right now !!!
I broke down in tears last night - how random! - hormones - gotta love em!
What is my problem?
all I keep thinking is I will have another one of these adorable bundles soon and that puts a HUGE smile on my face:

Benjamin - 1 day old

Ella 1 hour old

Maiya minutes old

Those pictures all crack me up, because despite how new they were I can see their personality already - Benjamin with fists ready to fight a bad guy, Ella with her mouth open trying to talk, and Maiya with a smirk on her face - an inkling of the hysterical personalities to grow!


Hallie said...

Yay! How exciting. What adorable pictures of your kids. I can't wait until you can add Cora's adorable picture to the group.

Abby said...

"to have my membranes stripped." Ug, I've had that. Does NOT feel good. And it didn't work.

I always love photos of babies fresh out. They always look so mad that they're out rather than in.

Sarah said...

Claire said as we walked out of your house today, "baby Cora is coming tonight." and I said, "we'll see." She then stated very matter of factly, "no mom, she IS coming tonight, I know."

Cora, hurry up and get here we can't wait any more!!!!

Ryann said...

My membranes were stripped several times and it never worked. But m y fingers are crossed for you. Wouldn't it be more fun to have lots of sex full of orgasms and nipple stimulation? Come on Kyle-you've got work to do!

Either way it happens, I hope it goes well!

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

I went over on my last one and it's not fun. And I looked crazy walking on my treadmill in the garage painting like I might die. And dah-ling, ugly you are not. Maybe hormonal...those things take over sometimes. Good luck...looking forward to seeing new baby pics. Can you post from the hospital?

Bethanne said...

This is so exciting. Wow. Four, Janie! You are so silly though. Everything turns out as it should, right?! Let us know if we can help at all. Your babies have always been so beautiful...and I too think my kids have had the same personality since coming out of the womb. Crazy, huh.

Amanda said...

HORMONES! I am sick of them! I feel your pain:( Thanks for the offer and the info on stuff for the UTI pain! My antibiotics started working after a few hours:)
How big were your other babies???
How big do they think she is??
I am sure if you wait for the baby to come on her own you will be able to deliver her especially since you have already birthed 3 other kiddos:)