Monday, July 28, 2008

Craigslist rocks!

Inspired by Cjane's blog featuring the Sleepy Wrap I went searching for one myself and found this never used Moby wrap for a fraction of the price on Craigslist. Enjoy that link-heavy sentence. So far Cora loves it, and we have proven its strength by giving Maiya a ride - though she quickly said "get me out Daddy"

PS - MY MOM IS COMING TO SEE ME!!!!!!! Her and Tony leave the good ol Va tommorrow morning. Here's wishing them a speedy trip with low gas prices!


Amanda said...

I LOVE My Moby wrap too!!!!! LIAM loves it also!!!! YEAH for you:) Although I can't get Steve to wear it:( YOur husband needs to have a talk with mine and tell him that real men wear wraps!

The A Team said...

craigslist is my favorite "store". that looks great!! i never liked my snuggly bc of my made the baby stick out weird, that looks much more comfortable.

Sarah said...

for some reason my reader isn't showing me your updates. ahhh!!!!

i want to try the wrap-- i had a baby bjorn and always fell like claire was going to fall out. this one looks snug as a bug in a rug. :D

Molly said...

I have a wrap, it is just 7 yards of cotton gauze fabric, but it works great and I love carrying my little Peanut in it. My husband would NEVER wear that, but I would never ask him too, because the fabric that I was able to get on sale, is hot pink!