Monday, July 21, 2008

I can cry if I want to

I had this really bad dream that Kyle's boss stopped by our house on our second night home from the hospital to see our new baby. And that when Kyle walked her to her car she told him that the company was closing the Plano office on September 30th and he was going to be laid off.

I have continued to pretend it was a bad dream and tried to limit my freak outs to only a handful of times this week. I vowed Kyle's week off for the baby would be focused on only that - our beautiful new baby. But alas he returns to work tomorrow and I must face the reality that my husband is LOSING HIS JOB!!!!!!!!!!! And to face something this sad and scary one must share the horrible news with her blogging friends. I don't handle stress well and Kyle doesn't like change. So this news has forced us to our knees. - For much prayer that is. We really, really don't want to leave Texas. We miss our family but little else pulls us away from here. The company has made a half hearted offer to transfer Kyle to Ohio - But we want to stay here, and we would have a hard time selling our house if we did want to leave.

So if you know of any positions open in the Internet/technology/business field let us know. Kyle has been with his company for seven years, the last two he has been a Product Manager. He handles websites for the automotive industry - including marketing and website analytics. (yeah I don't completely understand it.) Oh and he also has his MBA. I am going to try to get a link up to his resume later.

Right now I am going to go cry and rock my baby.........


Ryann said...

I am so sad for you. I was hoping that it was just a continuation of a bad dream in your post. I wish that there was something that I could do but I don"t know of any jobs and am not in a great place to even help you out. But you can lean on me whenever you need to! I love you all!

Anonymous said...

Can I rock her and cry too? Our prayers are with you! This stinks -- how dare they put such a downer on such a beautiful time of your life!!! WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Sarah said...

i'm praying and crying for ya too. hang in there. i know it sucks!!!

Hallie said...

oh, Janie! How awful! And what a horrible way to be told. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

erikamgar said...

Oh Janie you will get through this. Michael was unemployed when we had our first child and we worked through it (with lots of prayer)without having to move. Heavenly Father knows what's best for you and your family. Go rock your beautiful baby and know that everything will be ok.

Unknown said...

Oh, that is such sad news. We certainly don't want you to move. Please send his resume along so that Matt can take it to Accenture. Matt has loved working for them!

The A Team said...

i hope you guys can stay!! even though i've been mia lately, i love being your neighbor and friend....not that i would stop being your friend if you moved but i like being able to walk over. i'll keep my ears open to see if there's anything at jason's work.

Gary Church said...

OH NO! Janie, I'm so sorry!!! My brother works for Microsoft ... and could submit his resume, but alas, he's in Redmond, WA. Y'all hang in there!! So, does he have a job until Sept 30th, like in your dream?

Gary Church said...

Or am I totally gullable and it wasn't really a dream?

Molly said...

I'm sorry to hear it. We've been through that and it is no fun, but we came out of it OK and you will too. Have Kyle go to the LDS Employment Center in Dallas. There is a wonderful worker there, Sister Toups, who is the best employment person the church has (she is also my mother). The employment center can help Kyle with resumes and resources. Best of luck to you all.

AnoelleB said...

**HUG** We'll pray for you, too!

Beth said...

Oh, Janie! What a hard position to be in! I hope everything works out for your family!

My name is Andrea said...

it took me a minute to figure out that you were serious and not just dreaming...i am so sorry, we will be praying for you. i can't wait to get over there and seeing that sweet baby. keep up the faith and trust that our HF has a plan. he loves you and wants what is best...i love you guys!

Bethanne said...

I am so very sorry! Janie, are prayers are with you and your family connections here are in government, law, and teaching fields...but we'll be happy to see what we can do to help! No one needs that stress anyway. Especially just having had a baby. Sigh. Keep your chin up! There is a silver lining. Somewhere!

Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

Janie, you WILL look back on this and be thankful, I know it! Hang in there, keep praying and helping your baby get big and strong. It's out of your hands, trust in his!

big hug, I really hope to meet you and Cora someday!

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

Dang it. So sorry. We will keep you in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Janie, I've wondered what happened to you after OT school and enjoyed reading your blog. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 (not brave enough to go for four)still living in Richmond. I'd love to catch up with you over email sometime. My address is Write to me if you have a chance in between taking care of your babies. Elizabeth Jordan

Anonymous said...

Hi Janie! If it's okay with you, I will post on the mom's board I go on to see if anyone knows of anything. E-mail me his resume to, I will forward it to anyone that requests it.
I'm so sorry this is happening, you're in my prayers.
On the flip side, my bf is a real estate agent. If you end up going that route, she will do a reduced commission for you if you tell her I referred you. Hopefully it won't come to that.
Kristen Skillin

Amber Hooten said...

I am sorry to hear this. We are in the same situation too. I DO NOT like it one bit. I don't sleep at night because I am so worried. I know that Heavenly Father loves you and will comfort you. This scripture gave me comfort yesterday if you want to read it Mosiah 7:33. Hope this helps a little.

Amanda said...

(((HUGS)))) I was just there a year ago. I know how stressful it is:(

Abby said...

That really, really sucks, Janie. Keep us updated. Go stare at your adorable baby--that'll make things better.