Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Native Texan is in the house...

"Never ask a man if he is from Texas. If he is, he'll tell you. If he ain't, no need to embarrass him." - Anonymous

Cora's birth certificate and insurance card came on Friday. I can't believe we have a native Texan in our immediate family! Does that mean she'll end up with this guy?

Well I don't have anything else specific to post - I did want to thank everyone for the very nice and helpful comments about Kyle's impending job loss. It is wonderful to be surrounded by friends - even in cyberspace.

Other than fighting that stress I haven't been doing much else besides breastfeeding and changing diapers. Cora has a terrible diaper rash that so far has not been aided by desitin, buttpaste (my #1 fav diaper cream), or a prescription cream called in by the doctor. So we are not at church today because I barely got any sleep, and diaper changes involve a squirt bottle and numerous towels - something hard to do at church!

Benjamin and Ella are progressing rapidly toward their orange belts at TaeKwondo - testing is in a couple of weeks and if they pass they go onto sparring, full gear and all. They are thrilled!


Anonymous said...

Here's praying the stress lessens soon with word of a new job!! Sorry to hear about Cora's rash -- I don't know what the dr. might have prescribed, but see if you can find "Calmoseptine" at the pharmacy -- works wonders for our patients!!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say "congratulations" to Benjamin and Ella!! I noticed in the parade pics that they had their yellow belts. Good luck, kids!!

Amanda said...

I was just about to do a post about Diaper rash too! Liam's is looking HORRID! We have tried all the things I found that worked with P and nothing has:( We even used Triple paste since birth are all time FAV. with P:( we have tried Aquaphor under the triple paste. and even a pedi. recommended putting Mylanta on with a cotton ball and then Dr. Smiths (which you usually have to ask for in a pharmacy). That all helped with P far not with Liam. I have spent $60 on triple past since he was born that is how much I am changing his diaper to try to keep the poop off the bum! Maybe some one will come on here with a solution. What was the prescription you tried? Cause I am about to call the pedi. about it too!

Ryann said...

Terry has always said that he wants to live in TX at some point. Besides you, we have absolutely no connections to the state. And I've always been vehemently opposed to living there. So with all of that, I think it is so funny that Cora will be a native!

Amanda said...

If the Triple paste ends up working for you they sell them in big tubs at Target.

The Calmoseptine--if I remember I tried that with P. It came from a local pharmacy in Carrollton I don't know if CVS would have it? I might have to get some though I forgot about it. It is a VERY thick pink paste I think it is usually used for old people that can't get out of bed.