Thursday, September 01, 2005

Reverse discipline

First off I just want to say how grateful I am for all of the little blessings I take for granted. Watching the coverage of the hurricane in all its devastation is just awful. I just can't possibly imagine going through that with my family and its seems that victims of this hurricane will be going through it for quite some time.
I was blog hopping a little the other day - as you can see at the top of this you can jump to the next blog that blogger hosts. I went a few ahead and it was titled "Matthew's blog" and it was a blog of a family waiting for a heart transplant for their infant son. The hurricane already had me in a a somber mood and my heart just broke for these people.
It seems sometimes "pray for me" and "pray for these people" and "keep me in your prayers" can be over used and loses its meaning. But tonight these people truly will be in my prayers as well as intense gratitude for all the wonderful blessings in my life.
Now what initially prompted me to write was that as you can see I have been glued to the TV watching the hurricane coverage - I am not so much watching as just keeping it on to see any new developments. So about 5 minutes ago Benjamin gets up from playing, turns off the TV and with a half stern look says "Mommy I turned it off - you have watched way too much TV today."

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