Monday, September 26, 2005

Oh joy ...

She is getting so big!
15 lbs. 3 oz.
Well Maiya and I have thrush. I have come to the conclusion that maybe nomadic tribes are on to something .. You know being naked all the time - The doctor said I have to make sure to 'air-dry' after each feeding - no problem I'll add that to my daily schedule! Now on top of everything else I have to sit with it all hanging out after each feeding as well as apply ointment for the next 10 days! What fun...
While I am frustrated I will complain about the pharmacy too - I really like that new commercial with the people getting crappy service then the tagline is "What happened to customer service?" FOR REAL !!!
At the pharmacy they said it would take a 1/2 hour,so for thirty minutes, I tried to keep all three kids occupied only to come back at my allotted time and be told that the insurance didn't have Maiya in their records so they didn't fill the prescription - I called the ins co. right there on my cell phone and they said no she was covered - the idiot working there had messed up Kyle SSN and while I was waiting I heard her mess it up twice more - after correcting her each time and waiting another 45 minutes I was 'fit to be tied' as my Me-maw would have said!!
Then on top of everything else ... Benjamin decided to start ignoring me while we were waiting so after the 4th time of asking him to stop doing something - I took away his dollar toy... well of course he lost total control - you know the kind of fit I'm talking about crying, begging, snot everywhere - I remained cool and stoic and calmly explained that no he is not getting the toy back and he'll lose TV time if he keeps it up - then this lady next to us - says "oh I feel so sorry for him - are you sure he can't have his toy" - I almost took something out of her cart "I am sorry mam, but you have just lost your snickers bar for being a meddling pain in the butt!!"
Besides I really didn't mind Benjamin's fit - I figured the louder he got maybe the quicker the pharmacy girl would be!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the thrush!! Can't believe Maiya is getting so big! Wish I could hold her! Hope you both are better soon. Sounds like a misterable pharmacy experience -- I would have taken that lady's candy and told her to butt out! Good for you for not giving in.

Love you all!

Anonymous said...

That was supposed to say "miserable" -- sorry about that!

Ryann said...

Oh my gosh! I have felt the same exact way. Why can't people just keep their mouths shut about your parenting skills or in their opinion lack of skills. It is so annoying. They should just keep their mouths shut.

And Maiya is so big! She and Madi are going to be suma wrestling partners!