Sunday, May 24, 2009

Blessings of the Priesthood


Amber Hooten said...

Thanks for sharing that Janie! I LOVE the message. These video clips that are out there on Youtube are a great way to share the gospel! Thanks!

Gary Church said...


So, I was just wondering if you were going to share your thoughts on last night's Jon and Kate Plus 8 Train Wreck. I set it to record and I just watched the first ten minutes of it ... I am ...

a. disgusted with the attitude of the parents

2. bored

d. ticked off at how not genuine Jon is

q. tired of hearing how they'd do anything for their kids and how they love their kids

8. I had to turn it off after Kate was talking about how she used to not like her fans and how she'd think, "get over it, we're just living our lives". IS SHE SERIOUS!? I'm fairly certain that if you looked 'Kate' up in the dictionary, it would be under 'UNGRATEFUL'.

Geez. What a wreck. Not to mention ... it's so stinkin' sad. I. just. can't. watch.

I'm done. I'm dying to hear your thoughts ...

Janie said...

oh its coming - I just totally don't have time today and I need to give my j+k review justice