Friday, January 22, 2010

blog first, then blog hop.

That's my new rule. Because I have a thought to blog about something, and then someone smarter, cuter and more clever than I blogs about the exact same thing. And it almost makes me change my mind to blog myself.

But I am not today because this is an ode to Kyle and he deserves my lovey dovey musings about him. You are free to not read, but I am going on nonetheless....

Some of you said that your man would not have gone to walmart at 4 am for a pregnancy test (and a flashlight). Well that was just the tip of the iceberg. The first half of a pregnancy to me means one thing and one thing only: nausea. To Kyle it means more work. And Lord bless that mans' soul he does it all and then tells me how wonderful I am at the end of the day.

need some concrete examples of how awesome he is?

Last night at like 8:30 no less I had a bad hankerin for paula deen's goulash and even though he had worked all day and was working his second job tutoring students online, he got up and made me goulash. It was the first thing I had wanted all day. I had two bowls.

This past weekend he changed car oil, and lightbulbs, and brought a mini fridge to our bedroom. Made two trips to walmart to stock said mine fridge with different cravings (yoo-hoo and gatorade). He tells me I must stay hydrated this time around. That is our plan to avoid ER trips.

Every morning when his alarm goes off he hits snooze then cuddles up real close to me and says how much he hates leaving me every morning. Then when I am too sick and want to keep sleeping, he faces getting Ben and Ella ready, books signed, snacks made and them on the bus in time, running back upstairs to shower - then back down to feed Maiya and Cora, then on to find something that I may possibly want to eat and he brings that up to me. And somewhere along the way he changes Cora's diaper too.

Then he leaves for work, doesn't get home til 6:30, just in time for his 7pm job. Somewhere along the way he gets a little sleep, so he can wake up and take care of us all again the next morning.

wove, tru wove, its a blessed arrangement.


Cathy said...

You forgot to add in that he answers his mother in law's call at 6;30 am cause her daughter hasn't returned the calls! love you Kyle. I'll always have your back.

Beth said...

You have a good man there, Janie!

Lisa said...

Great guy

Sarah said...

no freakin' fair ;)

Ryann said...

We've always known that you married a winner. You are one lucky gal!

Nana to Oz said...

That's my boy!! Can't put into words how proud I am of the man (and husband and father) he has become. He's been MY lifeline lately too, -- it's what he does and who he is that makes me love him the most. That he also happens to be my son is a bonus!!

My name is Andrea said...

I blog hop first and then I don't have time to blog...hmph.

Amanda said...

maybe he could give some classes:) LOL:)