Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Questions I get a lot

Just in case you want to ask too I'll answer them all:

Is you hair naturally curly?
why yes, yes it is - and yes I have hated it at times, but I love it now. life is too short and unpredicatable to not love your body!

Are you ready for school to start?
No not really, I like having my chicks in my nest. I like sleeping in - yes I am one of the lucky ones - my kids let me sleep - till about 8 or 8:30 - sometimes almost till 9 - Benjamin watches Cora until they are all too hungry. I also like making them help with chores - Having Lots of kids means lots of mess - but it also means lots of helpers. I haven't baked alone in years - and one day I will miss little fingers in the flour and picking out egg shells.

Is Maiya going to preschool?
No...The beauty of a financial crisis is you go back to the basics. I am a stay at home mom to be with my kids. The early years are special and important. We did "preschool" before - I thought it was needed. Then I went through the kids' boredom of kindergarten when they start back at what they already know. Isn't kindergarten supposed to be prepatory for school - why do we have to prepare them for the preparation? The article in the Ensign captured how I feel about it perfectly:

Instead of hiring professionals to teach your children skills and hobbies, consider doing so yourself or calling upon neighbors or extended family members. Teach your children skills that will help the family now—and help your children later—to save money and generate independence. My father taught our son carpentry one summer; another summer my mother helped me teach our daughters how to bottle and freeze vegetables.

Trade lessons with other families. Perhaps while you give your neighbor’s children art lessons, your neighbor could give your children music lessons.

With time and dedication, a mother can give her children a rich preschool experience. Consult the Internet for ideas, and use your local library. Using the library is a great way to save money. Rather than buy books, CDs, and movies, check them out from the library.

How are things with Kyle's job?
Good, very good, but not perfect. He will be working more at his night job (tutoring Anatomy and Physiology online) and one of us will probably be taking work on Saturdays - we are in a mad dash to pay off the A/C. - But my biggest overall feeling is just pure gratitude that he has a steady good job when there are so many still looking!

Are these all your kids?
Do you know what causes that?
yes, yes we do and we enjoy it very much


Nana to Oz said...

I love your answers, especially to the last question!!! :) :)

Sarah said...

mmmmm, burning questions, i've always wanted to know the answers to :D

Ryann said...

Do you know what causes that? Too funny!