Monday, January 23, 2006

V Smile ;)

Ella is all girl as most of you know ... and she hasn't really taken to the vsmile video game like her brother. She is even more dramatic than usual - if she messes up or worse messes up three times and has to start over - she is beyond devastated. She goes nuts wailing and the whole nine yards, I try to tell her its just a game, but its no use. So we have taken to playing a little bit when Benjamin is at school and there is less pressure and that works out a little bit better. But now someone else wants in the mix, Maiya is always stretching and reaching to touch the controller, so today I figured what the heck what can it hurt - when I gave it to her, she was as thrilled as a baby can be!!

Now for a Maiya update - She is now 7 months old!! She is sooo close to crawling - she is definitely mobile and usually gets to what she wants, but its no form of crawling yet. But the best milestone for mommy and daddy is how well she is sleeping - it has actually been good for a while but I didn't want to blog and jinx myself. There is a truly nothing better in the world than a cute baby that sleeps through the night and wakes up happy!

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