Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Upside down chicken anyone?

So I am not a good housekeeper and apparently I am not a good cook either. I decided that cooking a whole chicken would be more frugal for us. Well I prepped it, then accidentally threw out the directions. Then I put it in the oven set the temp and the timer then walked away - 45 minutes later, I went to check it and realized I had never actually turned the oven ON!!
Back to square one.
After I finally cooked the thing I went to slice it and the dang thing wouldn't slice right, I told Kyle to come help because this chicken had extra bones in it or something. Well soon enough he figured out the problem - "You cooked it breast side down, Janie"
Amazing, I watch food network quite often yet it doesn't seem to help.

1 comment:

Kleanteeth said...

Actually breast side down works best, it makes the white meat a little moister. Put a little butter in the middle to help. And scissors cut chicken the best. How did I gain my expertise you might ask. I worked at Kenny Rogers Roasters in high school. That and my husband eats like 10 chickens a week.