Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I used to have this romanticzed dream of buying this cool old farmhouse and renovating it from the ground up - and the dream ends with me sipping a cool drink on my wrap around porch watching the sunset and being so satisfied with my handy"chick" skills. But alas being an actual homeowner has taught me a few lessons -- I can't even hang curtains!!
I put Maiya down for afternoon nap and after I was sure she was asleep I made Benjamin and Ella have rest time too. I pondered what I would do with a moment to myself. I thought I'll clean this house - I have yet to get the house put back together and taking down Christmas decorations didn't even make a dent. But cleaning? No I decided putting up my new curtain rod would be more fun. Well....
Three broken screws, eight holes in the wall and a one crooked curtain later - I am ready to pull my hair out (but I would probably do that wrong too)
Broken screws I tell you - the first time, I thought wow I didn't know they could just break - that never happened to me before - well now I know they do apparently 3 out of 9 times!! and to top it all off, while I was losing my mind with the whole process, zeke came in from outside and walked all over the curtains with muddy feet!!

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