Saturday, January 14, 2006

Aliens, teeth, and illness

Well we have been busy as of late... So here are just a few stories and updates:
Maiya has another tooth, I could feel it before I could actually see it - and big brother is excited, he was trying to argue that she could have popcorn because she "has teeth" now.
Benjamin informed us a few nights back that he has two aliens residing inside of him. It dominated the conversation at dinner - He was full of details, one is red named Hawkin, and the other is golden and it is still growing and Matthew at school has a blue alien, but he has no name yet. Hawkin has fire alien power and sometimes fights with Matthew's alien, but only when they are at recess, because they're not sure but they think Ms. Mason doesn't like aliens and she might kill theirs. I was so impressed, I said wow Benjamin how do you make all this stuff up, and he gave me the biggest puppy dog face -- "This isn't made-up, its real mommy" -- I felt like such a jerk.
Ella is getting very excited about pre-school which will start on Jan 31st, in fact when I told her she got 'in' I found her five minutes later with shoes on waiting - "No sweetie, you will start in a few weeks" "but I want to go NOW, please mommy" ;(
She hasn't felt too hot for the past 24 hours, stomach bug, hopefully all will be well tomorrow.
It is stake conference tomorrow -- We really should go ... But it would be nice to miss one Sunday... I know I'm bad...

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