Monday, December 05, 2011

the one thing I would INSIST on in ANY birth

A pet topic of mine has made a resurgence in the news lately. Funny when 'back to basics' becomes new science.

There is a new video up explaining the benefits of delayed cord clamping by Penny Simkin.
Penny Simkin is amazing - her videos of relaxation techniques really helped Kyle and I prepare for natural birth. anywho back to the topic at hand:

Immediate cord clamping is like having a major blood hemorrhage for the baby.

Babies that get their cord blood have increased iron levels at 4 months old! Article HERE

Even if baby needs resuscitation that can be done on mom's chest and they need that blood and oxygen even MORE SO!
poor little Cora :(

Jaundice - I can only offer anecdotal evidence but of five babies the only one who did not have jaundice was PJ and he didn't have his cord cut until after the placenta was delivered.

Delayed cord clamping CAN be done in a c-section. - they can wait holding the baby there for 2 minutes. It may freak out the nurses but it can be done.

If you have a precipitous delivery (don't make it to the hospital/birth center) in time. Please do not tie off the cord - especially with a dirty shoe lace - yuck. Don't let the paramedics clamp either, Wrap baby up with placenta when/if it comes and go to where you intended to birth. Be warned no discount if you birth in the car even if they do nothing but let you shower at the hospital and you have to pay to get your car detailed LOL.

 I did a comparison video of  PJ and Cora's birth (I'd love to add video of Benjamins but its a non-PG shot and rather violent forceps delivery) In this video I show the difference in how the cord was handled. - the video is silent to start, there is much more footage of pushing than in my original birth video and the complete third stage (delivery of placenta) which is not easy to find in homebirth videos:

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