Monday, August 22, 2011

"lets get married and have fat happy babies"

that's what I said in 1998 to my cute boyfriend Kyle. And a few short years later we're putting these big kids on the bus. How did this happen so fast?


This morning was a tad bit rushed - you see last year we waited almost an hour for the bus. So this year we only went out about 20 minutes before the first bus was set to arrive. And in the first group shot you can see the bus heading our way. Argh... so much for more pics of the girls. But in the end I think it was good less time to stress and build up emotions - and almost no tears. In fact no tears at all.. except mine.

Ella - Fourth grade.

Maiya - Kindergarten take II

Oh no that's our bus... run, run, run.

Its always nice when you can ride with your sister :)

all smiles!

"what's going on guys?"

this chunk was in my tummy this time last year! ( I was so worried he might come on the first day of school... HA!!!! that joke was on me)

Benjamin's bus was later so I had time to take his pictures:

Benjamin - Sixth grade

Cora - preschool with Mom

checking the time

one last kiss: "ugh. moooom...

and cue mom crying... I can't believe how fast this goes. 6th grade is dangerously close to high school...


First day of school cookie choices this year:
(about two weeks ago the colossal cookie recipe book hit the middle of the table at dinner time)
Benjamin wants chocolate cookies with white chocolate chips made into a B
Ella wants mini-cheesecakes (yes I know not technically a cookie)
Maiya wants a big sugar cookie with a "M" on it in pink icing....
better get busy!

days gone by:


Ryann said...

I am so dreading school starting this year. Somehow it feels more real to me. There is a us involved although I can't say that I'm willing to put my girls on it just yet. Registered them for school this morning and everything seemed so much more official. I liked our tiny school. I liked how personal it was. I walked them to school and spoke to the teachers everyday. This school seems so impersonal. But I get to keep them for two more weeks!

Janie said...

My only suggestion would be is if you are ever going to do the Bus do it from the get go - Its much easier than deciding to switch to the bus later and if your kid starts riding the bus later all the kids have already kind of decided their 'seat' for the year and the newcomers throw a wrench in the system. Yes schools are kind of impersonal here - we are too afraid of 'bad guys' to have any open door policy (see my eyes rolling) and you'd have some moms who'd never leave. But sign up to volunteer - they sure could use it!

Meredith said...

Out of all the kids, Benjamin looks the most grown up to me. He's such a handsome guy, and I LOVE his hair!

Cathy said...

One day you'll be looking at your grandchildren on the bus.. but what you'll really be remembering is putting their parents on the bus. I remember your first day in LaPlace.. I put you on the bus, but I quickly stashed Meg in the car seat, and we followed the bus to your school.. and got there in time to see you get OUT of the bus.. and amazingly you were still intact. I cried seeing these too.. but it was because I "see" you with your long beautiful hair heading out the door to meet Miss LeBlanc (later Mrs. Byrd) for your first grade. I loved the little girl you were then, and the little girl you still are to me now.