Monday, August 14, 2006

First Day

As Benjamin gets himself ready for school, (a very important life skill when one has to be at the bus stop by dawn), mom frets...
Janie: "Should I make him a lunch too - I mean I know we prepaid for school lunches but what if something goes wrong - he should have a lunch from home just in case"
Kyle: "I think it will be fine"
Janie: "Are you SURE- something could go wrong"
Kyle: "Don't baby him"
Janie: "Yeah you're right - they won't let a kid go without lunch"
Kyle: Heads to bathroom
Janie: Heads downstairs to make that lunch anyway.


Kleanteeth said...

Come on now, breath, hee-hee-hoo. You did this last year, right? Your anxiety will show itself in your kids, don't freak. Second thought, the world needs a few worry warts to make up for the rest of us. Worry about my kids while you're at it so I don't have too. Too birds, one stone. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you will get better at this with each kid. No, wait. I am talking to Janie. I take that back -- you will fuss and fret over each and every one of them, coz that's the (wonderful) kind of Mom you are!!

Love ya! A.

Mama Spud said...

You are such a good Mom. I remember when I would pre-pay my kids lunch, and then they decided that they wanted sack lunch, so I would plan & pack their lunch (a lot of wasted food), and then I let them pack what they wanted to eat, and now I pretty much just hand over any cash that I have so they can buy whatever it is that they eat :-}