Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lost tooth and cradle cap

Tooth number #6 - Dad did the pulling, Benjamin did some squirming, and mom got queasy - so pay up tooth fairy!
Mom's home remedy for cradle cap - massaging olive oil or shea butter into the scalp. Maiya was just ready to be left alone!
PS. Comments requested - Benjamin and Ella asked several times what the tooth fairy does with all the teeth she collects and the only thing I could come up with is that she has a collection she keeps on a pink cloud over the rainbow. Any other ideas?


Kleanteeth said...

She grinds them up and gives them to the fairies, what did you think pixie dust was made out of?

Anonymous said...

I always thought she gave them to Santa's elves who use them for the doll babies they make! Ha!

Ryann said...

I hope that this isn't creepy but I like the idea of making jewelery with it. Little bracelets and necklaces.

Anonymous said...

I asked Gram and she said they are made into stars. Aunt Phyl says that is how little babie get their teeth -- recycled!

Ha! guess you have a lot to pick from now!