Wednesday, August 09, 2006


So Kyle and I aren't the best about fasting, but this Sunday we did. We talked about it with the kids and said we were fasting with the ward for rain because there is such a bad drought going on here. They agreed to go without snacks at church for their "fast". After that they just thought it was really funny that they were eating and we weren't. At lunch Benjamin did ask for rain in his prayer without any prompting.
I was kind of worried about explaining to the kids that not all prayers are answered immediately - as they kept checking outside to see if it had started raining yet. But lo and behold at about 4:00 it started raining. The kids were amazed, Ella stood in the middle of the backyard yelling "you did it guys, you got Jesus to make it rain!!!! - good job Mommy and Daddy"

1 comment:

Beth said...

That is such a cute story!