Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cheap Dog treats

Don't spend a fortune on training treats at Petsmart or on dog toys - here are two cheap alternatives:

youz suxch a goooood, goooood boy, momma loves your furry little cuteness... don't forget praise in training its free and they love it
For training treats (yes training treats are very important!) You can use the dogs own food, but I've never found them to be incredibly motivating. So I use these:

See? they really, really like them and will do all sorts of tricks for you in exchange!

You will need to buy the cheapest hot dogs you can find. You see dog treats run you about $3 bucks a bag and are way bigger than you need for training. And you can find cheap hot dogs for as low as 75 cents a package and that will make you roughly half a million training treats. THESE ARE NOT A SOURCE OF NUTRITION for your dog - just training incentive.

Cut up cheap hot dogs

Spread out on plate

And microwave to just before the dust stage.

They will be dry and hard and keep without refridgeration - I nuked mine for 4 full minutes in my poweful microwave. If they look gross to you your doggie will LOVE them.

oh and best dog toy ever - that I just found out about from Dances with Fat:

An empty water bottle in an old sock:

they LOVED it.

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