Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It is true...

You would do anything to take your children's pain away. Maiya had a mysterious random fever on Monday and since has started complaining about her throat hurting. Because the fever had gone away I figured she was just getting over a cold or something. Well it turned out to be the "or something" category. This morning (and all last night) - thanks for helping SO MUCH Meg!!! her complaining had reached a new height so off to the MD - turns out it's Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease minus the hand and foot involvement. I felt so dumb at the doctors - because as soon as he shined a light in her throat he called me over to see - blisters all in the back of her throat. I could have done that at home, but it never occurred to me - I just thought it was a sore throat. Poor little girl is totally miserable, and I feel like there is nothing I can do. The medicine - which in case your kid ever gets this is just benadryl and mylanta mixed in equal parts - doesn't really give her much relief.
So anyway I am frustrated because I can't help her, but I did get out some frustration today. I love a lot of things about Texas - but I can't stand the one fact that has become apparent to me. PEOPLE IN TEXAS CAN'T PARK!!!!!!!!!!!
It seems like everywhere here people drive huge vehicles and can't for the life of them get them in one spot. Our doctor's office is in a building attached to the hospital. Its parking lot is so notoriously small people regularly park in the fire lane and are never ticketed (that I have seen). So you think of all places you would at least try to be considerate. Nope some dumb jerk had a Ford F - three million parked with its butt in two spaces. I'd had enough, so I left someone a nasty note today - it read:
"If you are going to drive something this big - LEARN HOW TO PARK IT" - I left out bad words - it took much constraint. Which this website doesn't really have but I thoroughly agree with them: "you park like an a-hole! - .com" I love this site and I am pre-printing some of their "tickets" for next time!


Ryann said...

I think it would be awesome for you to leave little random "You suck" parking tickets around! I would laugh for a long time about that one!

So sorry about Maiya-hope it passes soon!

Kleanteeth said...

Might be funny, but I wouldn't mess with karma like that. If you had a big as yo mama car you might park in 2 lanes too. If you don't people are forever hitting your your.
I have never heard of anyone getting foot, mouth, whatever. I thought that was just an old wive's tale disease. Hope she feels better, though.

Beth said...

Poor Maiya! I hope she feels better soon!

I love that you left a note for a bad parker! That is great! I think Michigan is full of bad parkers as well - if you can't park it, don't drive it!

Hallie said...

I remember when Tyler had hand, foot and mouth disease. Poor kid was miserable. I hope Maiya starts feeling better soon.

The A Team said...

i like those tickets. you'd hope it will make people be a little less jerky next time they park but, i doubt it.