Monday, April 21, 2008

Can we do it?

Maiya had her first dentist appt. today. She did a great job - They told her to hop up in the chair - she looked at me and said in her little voice "Me a scared" - Everyone assured her it would be fun and she did it all with no tears. She even let them do the fluoride treatment. Then the dentist came in and the conversation quickly turned to her overbite. He asked if she sucks on her fingers. To which I replied, with a sigh, no but she does suck on her blankey. She has since a few months old and I failed a few weeks ago at prying it from her grip. He then says to me well mom its time for the blanket to get L-O-S-T. I said oh she can hear this. I turn to her and say "Maiya - the doctor says its time to give 'icky' to another little baby" He gets this look of death on his face. "hey mom, I don't' want her to get mad at me" - Are you kidding me, are you worried about a little two year old holding a grudge against you?
So back to the battleground. Can I do it? I hate pacifiers - and have had no remorse cutting them throwing them away, etc. with Benjamin and Ella. But there is something about "icky" (Maiya named it that because I call it that so often - fabric sucked on all night is quite gross) I don't know why I am being soft. She just looks so cute in the morning dragging her little pink blanket. I know how fast they grow now - I kind of like her babyish Linus thing. But the overbite, not so much - so I must bite the bullet, for good.
Now my other baby - the weary business traveler has another problem:
This current trip Kyle left on this morning is a conference which involves a lot of people from his company - I think close to thirty of them. The company decided that because of the number of people it warrants sharing hotel rooms, to save money at the $300/night conference center. Now for those of you who know my man - he is hmmmm what are the words?: shy, very private, sometimes anti-social and to top it off takes a VERY, VERY long time in the bathroom in the mornings. Him sharing a room with someone from work? - not a good idea. The rumor is there is an odd number of men, and since he has the most seniority will get a room to himself if that is the case. I am keeping my fingers crossed for him. If it doesn't I hear him yelling in his head, very George like from Seinfeld "SERENITY NOW" Can he do it...


Sarah said...

Poor Kyle! I went to a teacher conference once and had to share a room. It was weird and we were women.

As for Maiya, remember its harder for you than it is for her. She will NOT be traumatized by this. You might be though :D Teeth or blankie??? I would choose teeth, when she's twenty with a beautiful smile I don't think she'll blame you.

Kleanteeth said...

I agree with Sarah. The longer you wait, the more dollar signs start adding up at the ortho.
As for Kyle, I guess he'll have to shave with his clothes on this week.

My name is Andrea said...

I had two with severe overbites...Ty used a binkie, Parker did not (and Parker's was worse) and it cost us $3250.00 EACH to fix it, and that was Phase one. But I don't know if I could do ANYTHING that would make adorable little sweet maiya sad. So I feel for you!

Maris would no sooner share a or a bedroom much less a toilet with another man than jump off a roof. Tell Kyle good luck, we are crossing all our digits for him.