Friday, April 18, 2008

I am sorry... Part two

I couldn't do it. I tried. Really. I do have the tendency to give up on books too easily. Quit Memory Keepers daughter, because it was just too sad and I couldn't picture any ending that would satisfy me. This one I don't know for sure - no offense to the big fans or Mrs. Meyer - but it was cheesy, not scary enough (or if it gets scary it took to long for me), it just wasn't my style.
I found myself not reading it, and not reading anything else, because I wanted to finish it first. So I have officially thrown in the towel so that I may move on. Feel free to tell me any plot details that will make me feel bad for not having persevered.
PS. I hope this doesn't stop anyone from reading my book club selection this month out of retaliation - I can't wait to discuss this one with people!!! I think Sarah is done with my copy if anyone needs to borrow - I think its a very quick read.


Haley said...

I need a good read! I'll take it. Pillars of the Earth is toooooo looooong for my fried brain right now.

Sarah said...

I am almost finished with Curious Incident I will finish it today and bring it to church tomorrow. Sorry I have been such a slacker.

My name is Andrea said...

I didn't read the dog book, but I'm coming to book group anyway. I like book group!

My name is Andrea said...

I have never read even 1 Harry Potter book...Do u like me anyway?? (I even have had a hard time watching the last couple of HP movies...I just don't get them. I can't remember who is who and stuff. I'm getting old and my mind is going.)

The A Team said...

'the memory keeper's daughter' was made into a movie. i just taped it and watched last weekend....much easier than the book.