Monday, October 24, 2005

Its not for me but I understand homeschooling...

Everyday Benjamin seems to become more and more of a smartmouth! - He is thick with attitude and mutters under his breath - "Fine then" "Don't talk to me like that" (to me not vice versa) and his fav "that's just DUMB" - We are really getting sick of it - After one comment Kyle was over it completely he grabbed Benjamin made him apologize to me and sent him to timeout to "think about speaking nicer to people" - well apparently he didn't have much to think about because exactly 10 seconds later we heard him wandering around the kitchen - Kyle says "what are you doing? I put you in timeout" - "oh that's ok daddy I'm done thinking about that stuff"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't freak out now, but it will get worse. And pretty soon Ella will say them too, but with more attitude. It's hard to get mad at them sometimes because it cracks me up, but sometimes you just want to slip vinegar in their fruit punch.