Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Better Homes & Garden material we are not!


Here is our 'weekend' project that is still not over - but we are over it! - We painted the walls & trim - 4 coats on the trim to be precise - as you can see from the pic it was this dark forest green - after the fourth go round though it could be hot pink for all we cared we were tired of painting! Then I put several coats of a gloss varnish on the wood door and our cedar chest - then to really exhaust ourselves we finally organized our "garage" or to those have you who have been in our house that ungodly mess in the corner of the living room. I didn't realize how big our living room was - its actually kind of nice now. And somewhere in between coats of paint I washed, ironed and scotchguarded the sofa slipcover - it better work! Now I still have to get everything back in its place - we haven't had a kitchen table for four days. Anyway after this I have stopped daydreaming over paint swatches for the other rooms - I have watched too many HGTV shows were they transform a whole house in one weekend - I make the mistake of thinking "hey I can do that" - Sure if we had four people and a carpenter helping us! - I'll just go back to trying to keep the dishes and laundry caught up!


Anonymous said...

It looks great Janie and Kyle, i actually miss helping out on some of those house projects. Just wait till the kids are older then they can come help me when i get my house:)

Ryann said...

awesome job! Sounds like it was a lot of work but doesn't it feel great? I can't wait to be able to put some color on my walls. We'll have to visit to see it in person!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job, guys!! Looks like a different room. I think you are doing a wonderful job with the house. You should be proud of yourselves.