Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I'm not scared of you!

Well Benjamin is amazing - We went on the "haunted hayride" at Hunt Club Farm tonight - and can you believe it - HE LOVED IT!
I started working there just for the halloween 'season' on fridays and saturdays to make some fun/christmas money. Benjamin saw the complimentary tickets to the hayride in my purse and has been bugging me ever since - especially this sunday when we passed the place he was beside himself about going - so we started to really explain it to him - that it would be really scary, and showed him pictures of the actors on their website, and I even chased him around walmart with a scary mask in the hopes of talking him out of it - but to no avail - he had his mind set.
So as you can see from the picture of him waiting in line he was thrilled - I was prepared for him to turn to jello on the actual ride - but he really didn't - I just kept chanting "its all pretend - if they scream at you - you scream back" He kept his ears covered but wouldn't cover his eyes even when I tried to cover them for him - and when an actor even got close he screamed so hard he shook "I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU"
Daddy had to work so we went with Ms. Kristi and her kids Shawn and Mei - they did pretty good too - considering we had some of the youngest passengers - they screamed less than some of the adults. Ella refused to go - its a good thing I would have had to surgically remove her from me if she had.
The scary part for mommy came after the ride when we did the fun slide - you know that 3 story high big slide - I thought my big butt wasn't going to stop! - once I realized I would I wished I had more cash to overpay and do it again.
PS MOM - I didn't forget about you torturing me with the halloween masks when I was a kid!! - so Benjamin definitely got his bravery from his dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Ben Taylor I am sooo proud of him for being such a brave boy!! You go, B!!!