Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Words matter.

Words matter. Words become labels, and labels become stigmas.
Wonderful article on the misuse of the word epidemic when it comes to obesity.

  • We are not getting as "FAT" as they claim. (they being the government, news sources and the weight loss industry bankrolling the aforementioned.) 
  • We have as a whole increased about one dress size since the 70's - which by the way correlates with the introduction of subsidized corn and high fructose corn syrup.
  • We are also getting taller and our feet are bigger but that isn't freaking people out.
  • I don't know about you but when I look around there is still pretty much a bell curve - most in the middle some on the super end of thin (like most of my past roommates) and some on the super end of fat. - That's me, I'm morbidly obese, though as Stephen Colbert says I prefer the term cheerfully obese. In a room of about a hundred there are two or three people my size. Not the sea of fatties that the news would want you to think.
  • Despite the obesity epidemic fraud life expectancy is still higher than it ever has been and heart disease is decreasing.
  • The statistics of disease caused by obesity is BAD science. They are only looking at correlating factors. Things that happened around the same time as fat increasing.  But the fat may be caused by the disease itself not the other way around. How many women are not treated for PCOS or thyroid issues because a medical professional sees a woman with 'bad' habits that need to be improved without actually asking about her habits. 
  • And it doesn't answer the fact that the majority of fat people are not riddled with disease and thin people also suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and heart disease. So if being fat doesn't always cause it and being thin doesn't always prevent it. Can we for the LOVE... make healthcare size neutral? 
  • Rarely talked about is the obesity paradox - the fact that there are some health benefits to fat.
You know what the real epidemic is?


There are studies of cultures where fat is not pathologized or stigmatized and there are no correlating factors between fat and disease.

Fighting obesity is not a fight we should be participating in.

What I hope fat people remember is that whether people are making the mistake of confusing weight and health because they are well intentioned or because it’s incredibly profitable for them, it’s still a mistake; and even if a million people are screaming a myth at the top of their lungs that doesn’t make it the truth, no matter how powerful or credentialed they might be.
Our weight is not a barometer for anything  – not for our health, value, intelligence, abilities, or anything else. From looking at our size, people can determine our size, and what their prejudices and preconceived notions about people of our size are.  Anything else they think they know is just them making stuff up in their heads based on those prejudices and preconceived notions.  That’s not our fault, though it does become our problem.
-from here

When we wage a war on obesity. We are essentially saying:

No one wins. Fat people no matter their habits healthy or not are told they are WRONG. And thin people become ever more afraid of getting fat. And those that do not have healthy habits are ok as long as they are thin.

Its not just about the fact that 95% of dieters fail - a large percentage of those dieters will weigh MORE than when they started restricting their diet.

So next time you are considering dieting or putting your child on a diet - you may tell yourself  "we'll be the five percent - we will beat this..." think of it this way:

The trouble is that this isn’t about being proficient at a skill (dieting), this is about our health. If Viagara worked 5% of the time and 95% of guys who took it became LESS able to get erections, I seriously doubt that we would be telling guys to keep taking it and just try harder.  
From here: The five percent

** PS. I met Ragen in person this weekend and the director to this documentary - it is still screening in Dallas through tomorrow - go see it especially if you are interested in HAES. Its a whole nother blogpost in and of itself! Ragen is the dancer in the preview :

please also take the poll I have up if you have a second.

** while writing this post the news reported that Rapper Heavy D died, no cause of death yet but most are blaming his weight - through the years he has fluctuated his weight by 100 pounds, some are saying he recently lost another 100 pounds. My mind has to wonder if he had accepted his body and healthy intuitive eating instead of dieting what would be? who knows but I shudder to think of the mean things that will be said and reported.


Beth said...

I would love to see that movie! Maybe once it comes out on DVD...
but I agree... being thin isn't what life should be about.

Laila Moysey said...

I found your blog because your very cool image came up in a search for a picture for an article for my blog
It's a great picture, but your blog is fabulous! Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading more from you.