Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Large family dines out

Janie at Wendy's 2006

No matter how frugal or health conscience one tries to be there will come a time when schedule and desire out weigh the desire to not eat out.

Having said that I do have to say that frugal shopping, meal planning, keeping track of whats in the freezer, pantry and food storage and eating at home is the #1 way for us to save money. But when we are not able to be home, my mom mojo is flat out or we really want a treat these are the ways we save money:

-Eat where there is bare concrete under your feet (aka. Sams club/Costco)  Can't beat a pizza and a drink for $1.88 - you can also eat pretty cheap at Target especially if your kids like hot dogs.

-Don't forget about grocery stores there are some places with some fancy nice salad bars. You can even eat well at hospital cafeterias - one in Richmond out paced local restaurants in popularity. And don't forget about the Temple cafeteria for mom & dad - have you had their Steak on a friday night? Delish!!

- Convince your children early that happy meals are a waste of money - Things I say are: I can buy you more toys at the store if I don't buy happy meals here, you get to pick from more things off the dollar menu than the happy meal has, etc...

- We don't upsize or add on.

-Buffets are not a good deal!! - Buffets are EXPENSIVE - and your kids eating the fried crap and jello squares to the tune of $9.50 sucks. We've still done them but its in NO way frugal

- Water cups are your best friend.  A super large icee at the movie theater for $5 can be split for four kids with water cups. At coldstone creamery a small scoop and one mix in for 6 will run you almost $30, a pint with 2 mix ins and four water cups will run you $9.

-Drink water. Add lemon if its texas unfiltered water, If you are feeling adventurous add lemon and one sugar packet. (still much less sugar than soda)

-At a sit down restaurant - one or two side items may be cheaper than one meal off the kids menu. Two or three kids splitting an adult meal can be cheaper as well. Extra plates are as much your friend as those water cups.

-Ask the waiter for extra plates and napkins when you place your order, they don't seem to mind large families splitting meals as much as large families sending them back to the kitchen numerous times.

- TIP WELL!! - even if you use a coupon, free kids meals, and split dinners - STILL tip as though you didn't. They are not waiting on your table out of charity. What you spend on tips will always pay rewards in karma.

- Some nicer establishments can be cheaper and much healthier if you play your cards right. Jason's Deli is a good deal and close in price to McDonalds if you order conservatively. And if you eat inside there is free ice cream!

- For families with five children or more old enough to not share - seriously consider the CATERING menu.
Most catering menus will feed 7+ and will save you TONS. Chick-fil-a and subway are two that come to mind with good catering menus. Rosa's $20 fajita meal was more than our family could eat - thats a great deal too!

- Put food coupons in your CAR - you may set them on the counter just in case but impulse usually hits in the car after some outing that took longer than expected and those coupons are on the island in your kitchen.
Pay attention to where the coupons are valid - if you drive to some place and realize they don't accept the coupon but you're really in the mood for that place now - BAM, they got ya at full price! Don't hesitate to ask though - some will take the coupon just to get your business!

-Check the internet for places where kids eat free - Its almost always free kids for every adult meal. Score for parents of two! We now order three adult meals and three free kids meals.

- When your food comes - decide what will keep well as leftovers and save that for last. French fries don't keep but fajita meat saves excellently. A dinner out is easier swallowed if there is enough for Dad's lunch the next day too.

- If you are sharing and want to avoid the I didn't get as much - don't let the kids see the portions from the start - dump all the french fries in the bag and rip the top half of the bag off.

-Sometimes you don't really want to "eat out" you just don't want to eat at home - even grilled cheese sandwiches are fun if you take them down to the park to eat.

Frugality without creativity is deprivation.
Amy Dacyczyn

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