Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nightmare at 20,000 feet

 Portrait of a frightened man: Mr. Robert Wilson, thirty-seven, husband, father, and salesman on sick leave. Mr. Wilson has just been discharged from a sanitarium where he spent the last six months recovering from a nervous breakdown, the onset of which took place on an evening not dissimilar to this one, on an airliner very much like the one in which Mr. Wilson is about to be flown home - the difference being that, on that evening half a year ago, Mr. Wilson's flight was terminated by the onslaught of his mental breakdown. Tonight, he's travelling all the way to his appointed destination, which, contrary to Mr. Wilson's plan, happens to be in the darkest corner of the Twilight Zone. 

A while back we discovered all the vintage Twilight Zones on Netflix streaming and as the good parents we are, we started a marathon with our kids. We got to the classic William Shatner episode late into the night. It was a little creepier than I remember it being and the scene where he lifts the shade and the scary monster monkey gremlin is right at the glass it scared Ella so bad she totally flipped out - similar to the way Shatner himself did in the episode. So true to our pranky nature we haven't let her live it down - every once in a while Kyle will switch out the computer wallpaper with the exact image in her favorite scene. When we hear screams we know Ella has logged on to the computer.

It became kind of a running joke.

So for her birthday I had a deliciously funny idea for her cake, the thing on the wing became the thing on a cake!
She didn't get to see her cake till it was time to blow out the candles - it was pretty funny when she saw the cake. I think the lady at the bakery thought I was crazy. But that's ok, I'll do anything for a laugh.
I really will, don't tempt me.

look at little miss with no glasses 
gifts, cake and ice cream then off to the movies to see HUGO :)

Ten years?

Really - why do you do this to me?

ten things about Ella:

1. She's a scaredy cat, who likes to be scared and actually thinks its kind of funny. Hence the cake.

2. SHE NEVER EVER EVER once peed in the bed. Went to big girl panties one day when 2 years old and NEVER looked back.

3. She is pretty much brilliant. And I'm not just bragging. She is smarter than me.

4. She is convinced she knows how to drive because as she says "I've watched you closely, ALOT."

5. She is keenly aware of justice. She will fight for someone else being treated poorly or being cheated more than she will fight for herself.

6. She swore her room would be cleaner if she didn't have to share with a sister. She has had her room to herself for over a year - I've never seen such a mess.

7. Her favorite color is teal.

8. Her favorite food is mashed potatoes. She thinks a baked potato topped with mashed potatoes would be a perfect meal.

9. She loves Taylor Swift and this song

10. She likes the limelight and a microphone. She is a natural storyteller (and just general talker)

We love you so much Ella!!!


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Ella!!!! Loved the cake :D You have to tell us how HUGO was.

Beth said...

Happy birthday, Ella!

Cathy said...

Ahh, these birthdays are so bittersweet. I wish I were there to help celebrate. As much as I wish otherwise, these little ones keep growing into big ones! Happy Birthday Ella.. you are loved so much. Can't wait to see you. sorry your parents prank you so much. I'm glad I never did that to my children (hee hee)!