Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do not even say.

Do not even say:

"but at least its a nice fence"
"at least she is paying for it"
"at least its cedar"
"it could be worse - she could not even take care of her fence"

or anything like that.

I fought so hard yesterday, the police did come but they did not arrest me. A lawyer showed up but I did not get sued (yet).

But I am not done. This affects the value of our property. And despite the fact that ownership is still in question, no one will stop and let us figure this out. And if the HOA is right (which they are not) I don't own the second half of the back either, so its not in my power to replace the rest to match if I wanted.

So don't comment unless its to agree with me. Because everyone thinks I am crazy to be so mad. and I may be. But its my right to be mad, and apparantly it may be the only right I have left.


Hallie said...

Janie, that's awful. I can't believe that! How frustrating. I don't like it. I like yours better. I can't believe she didn't give you any warning and wasn't decent enough to talk to you when you tried to talk to her. Makes it sound like she knows she was doing something wrong and was doing it anyway. If you were in Missouri, both neighbors would have to agree on the fence and split the cost. I hope you can get things straightened out. And I hope you don't get sued.

My name is Andrea said...

Why do the metal poles have to be on your side?

Gary Church said...

Okay. So, this is what I'd do. Go buy the same stain/paint ... assuming you've got the money. Paint her stupid metal poles AND her fence to match yours. Like she's ever gonna be in your backyard to see it anyway. And we all know that she ain't coming to talk to you about it if she doesn't like it. lol!!

Nana to Oz said...

I'm sorry but I don't agree that you should spend any money for anything! I guess maybe I don't understand HOA's, but what good are they if they don't protect the homeowners in what SHOULD be done as well as what SHOULDN'T. And this "lady" (I use the term loosely)(sp)didn't even have the whatever to talk to you before doing this. How do you determine who "owns" a fence anyway? I'm with you, J!!!

Kleanteeth said...

I don't get it, what are the metal poles for? You could always use them to hang upside down tomatoes on..maybe?