Friday, October 09, 2009

Mr. Benjamin - ahem, I mean Ben

Benjamin 2005

Over the years Benjamin has turned from just being a character on the BLOG to also being a blog reader. So less meaty content about him makes it on here regularly. Because if it does I hear "MOM why did you put that on here"

Benjamin was in First Place in round one of the Space Derby!
Great job Benjamin!

Today I'd love to share with you a little bit more about Benjamin:

Benjamin is named after three people. How many people can say that?? Three people:

His Great-great-great Grandfather Benjamin Watters. Who my Me-maw (sitting with her Dad on the porch- didn't she have great legs?) always said was a kind, kind man. I think the same can be said for Benjamin - above all else he is very kind.
King Benjamin
King Benjamin from the Book of Mormon, a humble but strong Prophet and leader of his people.

The Graduate

And Benjamin Braddock - I actually hope he's not like the character in the movie - but I LOVE this movie and the way Anne Bancroft says Benjamin - makes it sound like the coolest name in the world. And that movie still has the best cinematography I have ever seen.

so now without further ado - an interview with Benjamin:

What would you rather be called Benjamin or Ben?

Can your mom still call you Benjamin?
I guess. sigh.

Tell us about yourself.
I really like games. And playing with my friend Kyle (who lives across the street, not Dad)
I also like to help Cora learn things. But really that is your job mom.

What is your favorite color:

What is your favorite game right now?

What do you think about school?
its normal

What do you think about politics?
what is politics?

Its about what is going on with our Government.
Well I think Obama is taking over the seats in the white house
(a little confusion on terms there)

Well he is the president.
I know mom.

What do you think about Republicans and Democrats?
I think Democrats don't like church

I've never said that - where did you get that info from?
I don't know I just think it - they do want us to pay more money

Well what do you want to be when you grow up?
a firefighter

Very cool. I love you Benjamin

I love you too Mom.


Ryann said...

I somehow never really processed that our kids would be reading the blog someday. Hmmm. They may not like what I have written about them!

And Ben seems so grown up! Hard not to call him Benjamin anymore!

Nana to Oz said...

You could add a fourth "Benjamin" to that if you wanted, although you probably aren't aware of it -- my great-grandfather on Gram's side was Benjamin too!!

He is growing up waaay to fast!! Love you, B!!!

Kleanteeth said...

i'm a little partial to Ben's myself. Although not a Benjerman, as Mei used to call yours, my Ben is a kind guy too. They grow fast. My kids tell not to write about them on the blog/ facebook.

Erin said...

Olivia thinks that reading blogs qualifies for her nightly reading homework. Every once and a while I don't care until she writes "Blog" on her reading log sheet. I can't help but think it should say something like "Little House on the Prairie" instead.

I like the name Benjamin. My less than one year older brother has that name. Also my sister married a Ben and my other sister is seriously dating one. That's three Ben's in my parent's immediate family. Funny, because it's really not that common of a name.