Thursday, October 22, 2009

No one cares what you had for lunch.

I have kind of been in a blog funk. Well actually I have just plain been in. a. funk. That is so not supposed to happen on your birthday, but it did for me. Its my party and I can cry if I want to.

Kyle rescued the blog for a moment to talk about his cool weekend away. His weekend that I was jealous of because it looked like a lot of fun. Minus the guns, well truth be told I would have liked to fire one or two. Might have got me out of the looming funk.

Anyway to beat the blues, but more importantly beat the boring blog -

ahhhhhh the boring blogs - there are so many out there. And no matter what I do I am drawn to them like a moth to a flame. Everyone I know has that one blog that irritates them more than entertains them. Come on I know you do - My blog may even be it. I have gotten my fair share of hate comments.

Recently even. Remember when I posted the Bride's pics? - I got a "don't take offense, but you suck" comment I didn't approve the comment to be nice to the bride, But oh I wanted to so badly, so that I could retort.....

I digress.

Here is to a more interesting blog post:

Idea #7 : Examine your paperwork

"In 2001 Sarah Brown began sending weekly emails to her friends that contained the most agonizing excerpts from her old diaries, that effort became Cringe, and now"

Here is a peek of my diaries of the past --

doodling in first grade when I should have been doing this:

did you have an off the shoulder flower print bathing suit and short hair and big thighs and giant glasses like me?? you didn't - well you really missed out on some hard core self esteem building experiences in your childhood.
I mean look at that face - a face only a mother could love huh mom?
I like how my signature evolved over time.
My charming good looks made me obessessed with boys for some reason - because you want what you can't have right? So when someone told me diaries were only about writing about boys. I TOTALLY BELIEVED them, then wrote my love sick heart out!
"My only dream is for Micheal J Fox to kiss me" If only he knew.
And to think years later I'd not be a huge fan anymore because of his liberal politics. Who could have guessed?
I always watched TV on the floor. Now Ella does that.
I also rocked the Gap boxer shorts in middle school - Just because it was the only thing I could afford from the Gap on my babysitting money didn't make it any less cool right?
Like the giant glasses still? I did get contacts. It somewhat improved the love life. Still no Micheal J. Fox at my door though, so I went to college:
one of my first papers in the Freshman skills class. My teacher was so impressed she wanted me to read my paper to the class - because that is not embarrassing right? Guess who was in that class? This guy named Kyle. Yes you see where this is going...
awwwwwwwwww.... after that I retired the "diaries are only about boys" concept, because I had found the best boy EVER!!!
Then this past week another cute little boy wrote this in his 4th grade class.
I think its sweeter than ANY of my diary entries thus far.


Tony said...

My handwriting today isn't any more legible than your grade school diaries. LOL

Thanks for sharing....

Ryann said...

I LOVED your post! I too rocked the Gap boxer shorts and horribly huge, clear plastic framed glasses. I also had braces to top it all off!

Benjamin's journal is too cute! You have a real sweetheart there. Guess he's a keeper:)

Erin said...

I love going back through old journals . . . mine and any one else's. Does 1998 just seem like yesterday? It does to me. I think we were going through some of the same things then. By the way, I really enjoy reading your blog.

The A Team said...

that's so fun! i'm in a funk too. i don't want to complain about the preg but there's nothing else going on. maybe i should start digging through boxes...

My name is Andrea said...

Janie, I love your blog, I understand the funk, I'm in one myself. Blame it on PMS and the big 4-0. How fun that you were so good about keeping journals!! I have a couple that I wrote in in spurts...sad.