Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Who blew that whistle?

My mom's body is in such a horrible state right now its beyond anything I should or could describe on this blog, and because of that fact the doctors have her on some heavy duty stuff - morphine. That combined with the anti-nausea medicine, and the chemo that pumps into her body all this week she has become a little loopy to say the least. Today she heard someone blowing a whistle in the waiting room, and she has combined what she hears on TV with conversations we have had. As of today I started keeping an official log of what medicine she has had and when - I don't think its wise to let her keep track of those things anymore. Tony and I have turned out to be a pretty great team. But no matter how great we are it is still the hardest thing in the world to see someone you love in excruciating pain. So I don't mind if she is one toke over the line, that is better than seeing her in pain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry your mother is going through so much right now -- prayers are that this will pass and she will be "well & done with it". She is blessed indeed to have you there with her!! Every mother should be so fortunate!

Love you!!