Friday, September 08, 2006

Some more...

My Kitchen - I love it! - I decorated much more "country" than my style - but it went with the border, and until I paint it will work. Now I just need the motivation to keep it clean!
The girls room
Notice our little walker in the picture - the tide has turned to almost 90% walking!
As you can see it will be a tight squeeze to have two twin beds - so when the time comes the girls will switch rooms with Benjamin. They have already made paint color selections :)
I still have so much to organize in their room - but it is so hard. My main work time is during her nap, so its a little difficult to do when its her room to work on - everyday I say I'll set up the play pen for her to nap and do it - but you know how plans go!


Anonymous said...

I am so ENVIOUS of that kitchen!!! I want one!! :) :)

Mama Spud said...

I love Ella's quilt. Your house is decorated so nicely. I might have to cook real food if I had a kitchen like yours ;-)