Saturday, September 23, 2006

Cool quote

"I'm old enough to be satisfied with what I have, and young enough to still want more; Lucky enough to have been really stupid and lived to tell about it; cursed enough to have a good memory; Intelligent enough to understand that I still have a lot to learn, and ignorant enough to continually prove to myself that I still haven't."

Well just to keep you updated - not because I have good news... The leak is fixed no thanks to the home warranty people.Apparentlyy drilling into your own pipe exceeds normal wear and tear. **@#^&*

AND our van is terminally ill. After doing 200 dollars worth of work the mechanic found a head gasket problem. As of yet the van has not run hot so he suggested we put leak stop in it and wear it out. So now we wait for Kyle's Christmas bonus and hope its enough for a big down payment. There is nothing quite as exhilarating and annoying as driving and wondering which turn, acceleration, or start up will be the last.
Luckily my coupon system is still saving us money - got $167 worth of groceries for $119!

We are also saying many prayers for Nana! She is having knee surgery this week. She has a triple threat - arthritis, a cyst, and torn ligament!
Now for some better news - Meg is doing great with her classes, two A's in one week - the best being the biology test that she was deathly afraid of!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the van and pipe problems! Congrats to Meg on the good work -- go girl! Keep it up -- that's great! And especially thanks for the prayers! In spite of all the surgeries I've had, this one makes me a little nervous for some reason. So keep them coming!! Love you all, and miss you lots!!