Sunday, September 03, 2006

Holy Cow

So I knew we were coming to a bigger ward but oh my goodness, this ward is huge. Today the Bishop announced that the ward membership is over 600. There are full chairs all the way to the back of the cultural hall. There were three new babies blessed today. Nursery (18 months-3 years) will be at 55+ kids by the end of the year. Primary had to move permanently into the chapel because they have over 145 kids! I'd say just about everybody is active and does their callings. We haven't once felt like "one in the crowd" or lost in the shuffle, but I still can't help but think that this can't go on much longer. One issue is there is no way in the near future to split us into two wards. There is already four wards in Frisco and there aren't' any plans (that we know of yet) to build another building. My new calling is "media specialist" I do the Sacrament programs, photography, and the bulletin board. I am riding two emotions right now - I wish we could be split into two wards and not feel like we are at a major conference each Sunday. But I also like not having a huge load of responsibility. I guess overall I am just glad the Gospel is spreading and we have so many members!!


Kleanteeth said...

You must have a lot of Utahns in your ward because the lingo is rubbing off. Holy cow is totally a Utah thing to say. Watch out or pretty soon you'll be saying Oh my heck too.

Ryann said...

Well, woohoo! Finally, you will be able to go to church on Sunday without the stress of having to find substitutes all of the time! Enjoy it while you can-I'm sure they'll have to split it at some point!