Saturday, November 26, 2005

I know, I know

Its been a long time since my last blog... We have been celebrating the holidays - last weekend with my family and this weekend with Kyle's family.
Maiya has reached a new milestone! She can roll over now from back to stomach - and even get her arm unpinned - Nana discovered her little trick yesterday when she was supposed to be napping in the playpen:)
Well Kyle and I had temporary insanity and decided to brave the crowds for the after thanksgiving sales - we got to Kmart at 5:30 am and there was already a line to the end of the sidewalk. We couldn't really get in line until closer to the store opening at 6 because we had Maiya with us and it was really cold.
When we actually got into the store I felt like some kind of wildebeest running from a lion in the open plains - I wasn't sure where to go and I immediately began to forget the things we were trying to find. We did want a graco booster seat for Ella that was only 10 bucks but we couldn't find it anywhere - I am convinced they never even had any - just teased parents in the circular so crazy people like us would get up a 5 am. After we found a couple of other things - we split up; Kyle to electronics (of course) and me to housewares - then I decided to brave the front of the store crowd to check out Christmas decorations - as I am pushing my way through I hear this commotion by the entrance - some guy screaming at the top of his lungs nothing I can understand but I can tell he is crazed - then all these ladies start my way and one says "this can't be good" then the next says "he has a gun - I'm getting to the bathroom" -- now I knew at that moment I had watched way too much TV - because I freaked out too - I ran my fat butt to electronics as fast as I could which you have to get the full picture - these people have no idea about what is happening at the front of the store - so I know they thought I was crazy because I am running screaming at the top of my lungs for Kyle - they probably thought " whatever is on sale can't be that good"
Well it turned out to be some 'domestic dispute' between and ex-husband and current husband of some woman - it made the Danville paper. Now I will be cheesy for just a moment - it turned out to be nothing but for the little bit of time it took me to get to Kyle I was really panicking - I knew I wouldn't be calm until I was with him - I love my man!!
Now just a side note, the last time Kyle and I went shopping together was last weekend at a wal-mart in Richmond and some man appeared to have died of a heart attack while waiting in line - the paramedics were still working on him when we left the store but he didn't not appear to be responding at all.
So now we are on our way to return something - so wish us luck, I am hoping for an uneventful shopping experience.


Anonymous said...

Remind me not to come shopping with you. I can't afford a heart attach or getting shot and you seem to have the wierd shopping experience vibe going.

Mama Spud said...

Wow, I was having a little panic attack reading that. This is actually the first year in several, that I have been well enough to go into stores during the holidays. Good thing that didn't happen when I was there, and thank goodness for happy pills!