Saturday, November 12, 2005

Thou shalt not blog...

In a fit of rage!!!
I am so angry and sad at the same time! I have had six parties in the past four years and each time it never ceases to amaze me how rude people are! Each time less than half of the people that said they would come actually show up - I have been under the assumption that it is nice to give people at least a couple of weeks notice for parties - and they will do their best to let you know whether they will be there or not. Now Ella made out her list of who she wanted to be here and it totaled almost 20 kids I pared it down to 15 and she has her little heart set on seeing those kids today - I on the other hand have made gift bags and cupcakes for each kid and I have my wallet set on them being here. Of the 15 invited only about 4 families actually rsvp'd and now 2 HOURS before the party even more have cancelled - How do you tell your little birthday girl half of the people she invited aren't coming? Hopefully as the few left trickle in she will forget and enjoy herself anyway - and I will try to ignore the gobs of gift bags and leftover cupcakes. I don't know what it is with people - is it the money? do they not want to buy her a gift? are they rude? Are they too caught up by their own lives? Do they not use calendars. Do people not realize that when they get an invitation that someone is either putting a lot of effort or money or both into hosting them? What really gets my goat is maybe its the culture of our church - we have so many things going on and many of them last minute - Have church members forgotten true party etiquette? But just this past week someone had a party that people only got invited to TWO DAYS before and over 30 people were there. -- And speaking of church I work my butt off for church out of love for my savior but I also consider the people I serve with friends and this is how I get treated - and if I seem overly angry its because the same thing happened at the last party I threw for Benjamin. I also can't help but get sad about the five kids I didn't invite - they probably would have enjoyed these gift bags - but I 'll never know-- their moms might not have known how to RSVP - and follow through either


Anonymous said...

It is unbelievable how "insensitive" people are about responding to invitations and then following through. I don't blame you one bit for being upset and angry. Ella won't understand why the kids didn't come, but I really hope she has fun anyway. I feel sad for so many kids today that they are being "raised" with so little sense of proper behavior -- no please or thank you or you're welcome, etc. I admire you two for what you try to teach my grandbabies! Love you all!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Janie, christopher and me have had diarhhea and been throwing up since yesterday...really wish I was there. It looks like it was so fun :-(

Ryann said...

So sorry that people canceled at the last minute. We just hosted Em's birthday party and I too was amazed at the amount of people who just didn't RSVP. I got on the phone two days before the party and called to see who was coming. I don't understand why people don't RSVP either. I make it a point to do it because it annoys me so much. It does look like Ella had a good time though. Wish her happy birthday from us!