Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Grab Bag

Ok here are few mini stories I haven't had time to individually blog...

Benjamin's conference...
It went pretty well - She said he is making a lot of improvement, he is neater, pays more attention, and is not obsessing about the computer as we had feared. Her main concerns are his whining and he doesn't do well with other teachers e.g. music, guest speakers, etc.
She also went over his report card and what will be required on the first one - I was surprised at how much is asked - He has to verbalize a sentence then attempt to write it - to pass he has to get the beginning sounds correct - her example was that he said "My pumpkin is a vampire" when he wrote vampire it was something like shashmi - if there was a V he would get credit. - So when I made pancakes today he wrote down the ingredients to practice and he picked out the correct beginning sounds on all but "squirt".

Ella aka Miss Know it all
I was watching the news and there was a woman being led away in handcuffs and she said "ooohhhh that woman is going to jail" - I said well no, first she will go to court - do you know what court is Ella? "YEESSS - court is Ruddy Oak - you know that mommy!! Its where we live"
Then she kept asking about 'Ms. Shell' from church and I couldn't for the life of me figure out who she was talking about - Until I ran into the mystery lady today and as I called out to her in the parking lot "Michelle" - it hit me who Ella was talking about!
Grandma got Ella Ballet/Jazz dance lessons for her birthday and they started this afternoon - She LOVED it - I was really impressed with the teacher - and hope to keep it up for a while - I think its good to have her own thing going - it gets hard listening to Benjamin talk about school so much!

Speaking of which, Benjamin and I went together to the PTA meeting last night and Ella was devastated to not go - but I wanted a chance to see B in his environment alone - the meeting was good - usual announcements then we were taught folk dancing by the music teacher and everyone got a chance to do these dances. It was fun. I thought Benjamin had a good time too - that is until today when Ella asked him about it and he said oh yeah we sat, then danced, and his eyes lit up -- then I drank out of the water fountain! - apparently that was the highlight!

1 comment:

Mama Spud said...

Cute stories! Just curious or maybe a little bit slow, but where does "squirt" fit into breakfast? Is there something new that I don't know about .... wait, I don't cook breakfast so why am I worried about it?