Tuesday, November 01, 2005

That's Spanish?

I was heading upstairs the other day when I heard the kids making the strangest noises "blaady blaky - oogie oogie -- shammmeee shammaaa --- etc" What are ya'll doing?
"Oh we're speaking spanish!"
Makes me wish I knew another language to teach them but alas foreign languages are definitely not my strong point. In fact the english language even escapes my grasp somedays. Honestly it seems since Maiya was born I forget words on a regular basis.
Its sad and comical all at the same time - Life has come full circle as they say - a few things my mom always did used to boggle my mind and now I do the same things!!!!

1. Mixing up me and Meg's names - I'd think "hey we're your kids lady whats wrong with you" - I didn't say that though I'd get one of her world famous pinches! -- BUT now I mix up Ella and Maiya all the time - it cracks Ella up when I mumble "ok Ella lets get you a new diaper"

2. When the reading 'bug' finally hit me - I would literally fall in love with books I'd enjoyed - in search of more books I'd ask my mom about books I'd seen her reading and I would ask what they were about "Oh Janie I can't remember much about that book it was months ago" - then of course I'd think no way that will be me - I'll always remember details about the books I read - BUT nowadays I forget magazine articles by the next day!

3. I couldn't wait to drive! I just knew when I got my drivers license there wouldn't be a time or place when I wouldn't want to grab the keys and go - but I'd hear mom say all the time "I'm wiped!! I am not setting foot out of this house and I'm surely not getting back in that car" -- BUT you guessed it! I hear myself saying the EXACT same things somedays and it cracks me up remembering my 16 year old thoughts about driving sun up to sun down everywhere I wanted to go!
So I guess its true we do become our mothers - glad I have a cool one! Love you mom!

boy did I digress on that one....

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