Friday, October 07, 2011

You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.

I'll admit it.
things like this get me down:
There are some days where you just need a little inspiration, so today I'll share some of  what inspires me 

If you have a moment while chilling or working today take a listen to this episode of Girl Talk where Marlo interviews Linda Bacon and its a fascinatingly perfect synopsis of Health at Every Size and how it can benefit EVERY person of EVERY size.
I got teary eyed at the end when she says what to do first is start appreciating your body. If you have nothing you like just start with telling your body "You are awesome because you house me."
Listen to internet radio with GirlTalk with Marlo on Blog Talk Radio

And if you need a little more inspiration read this from fat heffalump: 

A little questionnaire for you all:
  1. How many years of your life did you put into trying to be thin?
  2. How much of your life did you put on hold while you tried to be thin?
  3. How old were you when you first remember being told you were fat?
  4. How many diets have you been on?
  5. How many exercise “plans” have you been on?
  6. How many years of your life have been taken up with eating disorders?
  7. How many people have told you that you are fat?
  8. How many people have treated you badly because you are fat?
  9. How many years did you spend counting calories, watching the number on the scale or the size label on your clothes?
Now tally the sum of all those years, all that time, all those diets, all those times you made yourself sick in the effort to get thin, all the punishing exercise regimes, all the hurtful experiences add all those numbers together.
Take that number, write it down, look at it for a minute, and ask yourself…
Don’t you think the fat haters should invest the equivalent amount of time, the same number of years, in trying as hard to be a decent human being, as we fat people invested in trying to be thin?
Fat people are not the ones with the problem, or who are in denial.   Fat people are not in denial of being fat.  We know we are fat, and in choosing fat acceptance, we accept ourselves exactly as we are, and we accept others exactly as they are.
You can let go of all those numbers now.  Set yourself free of the pain that those numbers represent.  You’re off the hook – you’ve done your part.  Close your eyes and imagine that all those instances of trying to be thin, or being bullied and shamed for being fat are balloons, filled with helium.  Imagine them in your hand, bobbing above you, all different colours.  Now open your hand and let them all go.  You don’t have to carry them any more.

** end of excerpt.

And last but not least Maya Angelou:

Does my sexiness offend you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

and even more at this post:
Are you a mermaid or a whale?

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