Friday, October 14, 2011

Very special day.

"The temple is concerned with things of immortality. It is a bridge between this life and the next. All of the ordinances that take place in the house of the Lord are expressions of our belief in the immortality of the human soul."
—Gordon B. Hinckley

 Mother and Son
 Alice and her sweet boss Laura and her husband David (who's wicked awesome funny :)
 Alice and ALL her missionaries - amazing that they all got to come to the Temple!

as always - to learn more go here:
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1 comment:

i mei said...

Hey! I would love to know your thoughts on this day (and temple experience in general) from the place you are currently... I know it can seem like a strange contradiction to other members, but I believe in connections we cannot see yet too... sorry this sounds so vague. It's hard to put into concrete terms. Maybe because concrete is temporal whereas other things are not...?
Just wondering how your perspective affects your current perception of this experience.