Monday, October 03, 2011

My kids are funny and an announcement

Two separate conversations:

first with Benjamin...
"Hey Mom I was thinking about what I wanted for Christmas..." Long pause where he starts to smile.
"Christmas is coming! Christmas is awesome. I LOVE everything about Christmas, no school, gifts, candy... Its so awesome."
To which I try to turn to the Spiritual...
"But Benjamin what is really the BEST part about Christmas" and he says "Oh yeah totally Mom....
dreamy gaze....

Egg Nog."

Me: sigh.

Then with Maiya...
"Why do you have pumpkins Mom?"
Because its October, Halloween is coming.
same dreamy gaze...
"halloween, halloween, HALLOWEEN?... That means, that means...
Its almost time for...

Egg Nog to be at the 'stowre'.

Its that time of year where people think of Christmas Cards, and I am so grateful that many of you have thought of me for your pictures. But I am closing the door on Images from OZ.

Kyle has accepted a new (super busy) position at work. And there is the whole I have FIVE kids thing. Plus now that PJ is mobile and curious the only time I can edit is naptime and late at night. Times I have become rather selfish of.

Thank you all for the support and encouragement. If we have already made arrangements for pictures we're cool. If you want suggestions for other photographers in the area I have can hook you up so shoot me an email.

thanks again!


Tony said...

Christmas usually makes me think of the fact that there's only six more months until Spring! :) But yes, it looks like you have a little more "edumacating" to do...

Totally understandable - and realistic - that you'd want to close down the photography studio right now. Unless/until "Sixto" and "Lucky" arrive, perhaps you will have the opportunity to re-open it once Ben and Ella reach high school.

Kleanteeth said...

We love egg nog too. I haven't looked for it in the summer and I'm not sure why, but they should sell it all year. Do you know if they make a lactose free one?

Janie said...

they only sell the canned shelf stable kind all year - yuck. and there is lactose free but we've never tried it.