Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I swear just the other day I blogged about my firstborn starting cub scouts. Then tonight he received his Webelos badge and Arrow of Light and crossed over into Boy Scouts.
yes you read that right:
boy. scouts.
he turns 11 next month.
one more year of primary.
one year until he receives the Priesthood.

The other night we spent some tender moments in the woods near our park after dark facing his intense fear of the dark. Then we sat together some more in the completely dark garage - It was NOT his cup of tea to say the least. I gave as many pep talks as I could muster and a little while later I heard him say a prayer under his breath. After that he said "this isn't so bad - I can see the ladder over there and the cooler" and I sensed he was relaxing.
I told him how happy it makes my heart to know he is sensitive to the Spirit. I can envision him going on a full time mission - If he does he will be the first person on both sides of his family to do so.
I am amazed by his fun personality, his resilience to struggles and his loving nature to his siblings. He says almost daily "Isn't PJ so cute mom?"

I am honored to be his mom.

I would just like to ask time to go a little tiny bit slower - this is going so fast.


Kleanteeth said...

I haven't quite figured the scout thing out. At least it's way better than the personal progress stuff, but it seems more like moms have do half of the work. Shawn hasn't quite seen the vision. But time does go too fast.

Janie said...

I know. I tell Kyle all the time this stuff is so confusing - a woman somewhere needs to reorganize it so that it makes sense.
and have you ever dropped some major cash at a scout store - non-profit my butt.

Nana to Oz said...

Wish I could have been there. He is a special boy, a "first" for many things, and I see hidden greatness in him. He is so sweet and loving and tries so hard -- I know he will be an awesome man b/c he is such an awesome boy!!! Love you, B!!!!